We offer and specialize in online counseling at your convenience for adolescents and adults struggling with anxiety, depression, life transitions and coping with major stressful changes. Our unique, personalized service is tailored to each and every client.

Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety & depression are frequently interconnected and can have challenging effects on our personal and professional lives. Finding evidence based strategies to counter the negative thought patterns we have can become a valuable tool for our recovery. Together we can explore these patterns and find strategies to replace them with more positive and nurturing patterns.

Addiction Treatment
Addiction can take many shapes and forms. Addictions to drugs, alcohol, relationships, shopping, gambling, food or sex have become a symptom of a society looking to escape from our pain. Fear of facing these facts can be overwhelming and denying to our addictions will continue to cause pain. Finally facing our addictions is not something that we have to do alone.

Recovery Support
After we have faced our addiction and admitted to our problem, we are now faced with the new challenge of recovery. Living life on life's terms for a recovering person has its challenges whether in recovery for 3 months or 30 years. Support through 12 step programs can provide tremendous support. Individual treatment with a therapist who understands the challenges of addiction and recovery can be equally valuable to any 12 step support system. You do not have to recover alone.

Relationship Issues
Growing together with our loved ones can be an amazing gift. Somewhere along the line we sometimes struggle with those closest to us. We may bring our old emotional issues into a new relationship or perhaps we find our old ways of communicating with our loved one is no longer working the way it used to. Change is difficult but taking steps to increase communication and sort out our old beliefs that no longer serve us, can bring new light and joy to the relationships we cherish.